Today we had some very excited Candu Kids at the pool when we announced the One to One Dental Hygiene's Fun-filled Mock Meet and our annual Bring-a-Friend (or 2) Event. Information about the mock meet was sent home along with invitations. We will continue to distribute these this week.
Each swimmer is welcomed to Bring-A-Friend (or 2) to swim with them at their Candu session. This takes place on Wednesday March 4th for our Juniors and Seniors and on Thursday March 5th for our Candu Kids. It's a great opportunity for our Candus to enjoy what they love with their friends.
One to One Dental Hygiene’s Fun-filled Mock Meet, Tuesday March 3rd 4-7pm. ALL swimmers should attend and family and friends are encouraged to come cheer or volunteer. This is an introduction to a swim meet with FUN & Friends. We will have 2 hours of events in the pool with our $2 50/50 Lucky Ducky Swim Game and then head upstairs for Treats, Door Prize & $2 Pizza sale. Bring your water bottle, extra towel & clothing to stay warm on deck. Be sure to R.S.V.P. on the SIGN-UP sheet on the bulletin board at the pool.