Thursday, March 14, 2019

Let's get together and represent Team CANDUS!
 This event is the final meet of the year hosted by our regional rivals and we want to bring EVERYONE we can to support the Candus.  This is an entry-level meet, PERFECT for younger swimmers looking to race against other beginners and get some excellent experience in a relaxed environment. We'd also love to have our older swimmers there to show them how it's done and enjoy the meet as well!  If you would like your swimmer to complete, please notify Head Coach Denys at by March 24th.
The cost for this meet is $70 and will be billed to your ACTIVE account, which is the account that was used to register your swimmer for Candus. This charge usually appears within approximately 2 weeks of the meet. The cost includes Registration to the meet, club coaching costs and a peanut free snack provided to the swimmer, although a canteen is available to purchase items. We also recommend you pack snacks and water for your swimmer and their CANDU clothing or something to keep them warm between races.
This meet is so close by it's truly the perfect opportunity to join in the swim club fun and be part of a team event! Please email: with any questions or speak with your coach if you're wondering if this event is right for your swimmer!
If your swimmer is not registered as a competitive, but would like to participate let us know as soon as possible so their affiliation fees can be upgraded!
We hope to see a lot of CANDUS take part in this event!